Elemental Warfare is Coming!

We're only around 2 weeks out from our newest and one of the most exciting collection releases to date... Elemental Warfare!
In the past, each new generation of cards was referred to by it's order of creation. "Gen1" was the first set released, "Gen2" the second, and so on. It was easy to understand, but we might say "lacked a bit of creativity". 🍦
On August 1st, this all changes starting with "Gen5"! (I couldn't help myself!) New releases will now all be named, starting with: "Elemental Warfare"!
On August 1st we'll see a grand collection of new cards appear... so start saving up your shekels and gems now in preparation. (or ETH, BSV, USDC, yadda yadda yadda)
Most favorite old skills will still be available, and we'll all be treated to more of the incredible artwork that has always accompanied new cards and heroes. Of course, there are always some surprises (like the new ability in the image below) and special offers as well... so stay tuned!
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"Elemental Warfare" is not only a proper noun but a verb as well!
Certain elements are also now stronger/weaker against their opposing elements.
Each card grants a passive +2 damage buff when attacking the opposing element. As an example, light and dark do 2 extra damage when attacking each other, as does fire and water. The opposing elements are simple enough to remember and are based somewhat on their natural counterparts.
Air vs. Nature
Water vs. Air
Light vs. Dark
Water vs. Fire
Fire vs. Nature
The strengths and weaknesses are shown when you create your deck, and also are on the screen while you play, so it's easy enough to keep track of "who's who and what's what".🧠
In addition, some elements are being converted to others to streamline the process a bit and make it flow more naturally. Don't fret though, while some of the "elements" are being removed, the cards/heroes who bear them will remain.
So while the "earth" element is changing and combining with "nature", you'll still be able to drop that earthquake at the perfect time! (I blame global warming!)
Death has become Dark
Earth has turned to Nature
Ice thawed & becomes Water
Lightning flashed into Air
Cosmic sobered up to become Normal
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All cards can be bought, sold, or traded! (from home!)
In the last week we've multiplied the number of games being played many times over, seen hundreds of new players join the ranks, watched thousands of cards being bought, sold, and traded, new play-to-earn formats being introduced... and so much more.
This is THE FIRST TRUE DIGITAL TRADING CARD GAME... where you OWN your cards! They can be bought, sold, traded... and now are available on IMX as well. If you've not found the cards you're looking for in the in-app marketplace or BSV, we can snag them at IMX now too. The links are below:
IMX Marketplace: https://tokentrove.com/collection/ChampionsTCG
BSV Marketplace:
You have a bit over 2 weeks to climb the rankings before the season ends and the new collection is released on August First. Come chat us up in Discord, and let's all become "CHAMPIONS"!