Card Feature: Bofa Tinkertime
If you are new to the game, let's make one thing clear: Bofa is the boss.
He rules the world of Champions. He controls time itself, and it is he who decides who shall be allowed to evolve and who will remain in their base form.

Why is Bofa so iconic? He's never early. He's never late. He arrives precisely when he means to.
His ability, Time Warp, is one of the strongest in the game. It reads: "Force a Card to Evolve (X) Times"
What makes Time Warp so strong is that when a creature evolves, it gets to activate as if it was just played from hand. So you're able to play a creature, use its keyword, then evolve it and use the evolution's keyword as well. This allows players to "double dip" and get massive tempo out of their best cards.
For example, imagine your opponent has two strong creatures on the board. You have Booger and Bofa in your hand.
Booger, of course, can "Hex" another creature, transforming it into something weak and puny like a 1/1 turdie. But, the opponent has two strong creatures. How do we handle them both? Well, if we play Bofa and evolve Booger into its evolution Blightooze, it'll get to active Blightooze's keyword- which is, you guessed it, Hex again. This lets us transform both of the opponent's creatures, giving us total control of the board. long as they dont highroll and get hex'd into a 6/3 Cometi. Lets not talk about that, it is a thing of nightmares.
At 5/7 stats for 3 mana, Bofa is even an ok tempo play by himself. In a really awkward spot, with no synergies to be found, you might play a tempo Bofa just to get stats on the board.
Perhaps the most fun scenario is when your opponent hexes you or an egg hatches, and it reveals a creature with unusual bofa synergy. Maybe your egg hatches into a Pluff, and you Bofa it into a Pluffy that wins you the match!

Bofa is a rewarding and challenging card that creates some of the most interesting tactical lines in ChampionsTCG. I see it as one of the game's most iconic designs and it is definitely something you want to run in most if not all of your Champions decks in the current meta.
Long live Bofa! (Bofa what? Bofa deez)