Top 15 Cards from Generation 2

Core Set 25 is approaching fast! Continuing where we left off with the Top 15 Cards from Generation 1 we're looking at the best 15 from Generation 2.

I'm starting with The White Lily (pictured above) as an honorable mention. While being extremely rare (only 2 exist) it's a nice card to get from Harvest cards to accelerate out big plays.


Speedy as a 2-mana Rush Champion is good for the same reasons the 4/4s are. 1-mana eggs have always been something to deal with early on. Speedy doesn't hit 2-mana 0/4 eggs with the same efficiency, but does survive combat and various effects that Lulu and Monke wouldn't.


Mechwing simply has solid stats for a Whirlwind Champion. Opposing Champions are often smaller than 5 health on turn 3, and it's cheap enough to not cost you your whole turn in the late-game.


Baabaa has benefited from the introduction of Double Strike Light cards, virtually doubling the effectiveness of Bless. One mana is very nice on a "combo turn" to inflict massive damage in a single turn, often combined with Rush effects. At worst it's a 4/1, which can be vulnerable, but will trade with anything else that early in the game.


4-mana 6/6s with Rush have always been playable. Big enough to take down threats and live and big enough to pressure the opponent's life total quickly, while being cheap enough to always have chance to deploy.


The Otherworldly cards didn't see much play when everything was "good stuff decks". Infernorus has played a big part in mono-Fire decks ever since Heroes were introduced. Many Fire decks play cheap Champions, so Infernorus often comes down on a relevant field to continue the pressure.


Number eight is low ranking for an egg. Brun suffers from the same faults as Grun did. Nature (which used to be Earth too) just doesn't have many Champions it wants to deploy early since many of them are reactive. When more proactive Nature Champions are released then value of 1-mana Nature eggs will certainly increase.


Firon's Combustion is enough to remove opposing Champions at a time when going down 6 life yourself isn't an issue. Late game Combustion can finish off your opponents: an aspect of Fire that everyone has to respect.


Mortalis is an "Angel", a class of Champions that are always strong. The raw stats are there. What's holding Mortalis back from being farther up this list is that it's just "a big Champion". Sometimes it'll completely take over the game. Sometimes it'll be tough to grow with the Soul Reaper.


Fangz is one of the original "egg eaters" being a cheap Curse effect to prevent opponent's from cheating out a huge threat. Fangz is useable at all stages in the game. Giving something -2/-2 will always effect combat, kill something, or at minimum save you some life when you get attacked.


A hidden strength of Purp is how well eggs combine with the Soul Reaper ability, as eggs produce two Champions for just one mana. This makes attacking just to crack them more appealing than in other elements.


Voltarion is the other Angel in Generation 2, ranking higher on the list because it comes with immediate value. Killing even one enemy Champion with Zap is great as it better allows Voltarion to survive until you can attack again... when it's Zap triggers again... ever increasing your advantage.


Wite combines with Bloo to give the Water Element two eggs to work with. Many of the Water Champions of higher costs come down with Vortex, Icicle, or Blizzard which are great at all stages of the game.


Being a cheap Greed Champion, Bizniz increases in power based on the power of the other cards in your deck. A 2/2 for 2 is still a body that sits around while you're furthering a greater goal; whether that be setting up combo pieces, enabling Supercharge, or just deeper into your deck to always have the right play at the right time.


Thunderpurr does all the "egg killing" work of previously mentioned cards while being the purrfect combination of cheap and resilient, where it's likely to attack and continue Zapping multiple times.


Onj ranks #1 for two reasons. It's the only 1-mana Fire egg while many other Elements have two and it slots into Inferno and Saatana Hero decks, providing Wildfire pings and Armor respectively. Those give inherent defenses to your 0/1 so it can evolve more often.