Card Feature: Fungorth
He's mean, he's green, and until the Heroes update of ChampionsTCG, he was an auto-include in almost every deck in the game. His name is Fungorth!

This spooky looking Mushroom Man has made huge waves in the Champions meta, due to his incredibly powerful keyword Fungal Spores.
Fungal Spores: Deal 5 damage to all cards with 5hp or less.
On the surface this might look like your standard card game "Crowd Control" type of spell, but it really isn't. Fungal Spores is unusual in that it deals 5 damage to creatures with 5hp or less, but leaves all the other creatures untouched.
5 health creatures are doomed, but merely +1hp from there, with 6 health, and you are untouched and utterly safe. This puts a lot of meta staples out of Fungorth's reach – stuff like Bog, Strawbash, and Chubwing, just to give a few examples.
Even more intriguing, this is a board clear that you can play while potentially leaving your own board safe.
Imagine you've got a few creatures with 6+ hp, and your opponent has a wide board full of weak creatures with 5hp or less. You can wipe their board with Fungoth while your own creatures go untouched.
Taking it a step further, if your opponent tries to refill the board with more low health creatures, you might be able to pull of a Bofa combo, Time Warping your Fungorth into Sporagoo and hitting the board with Fungal Spores once again!

And at 8/9 stats, Sporaguu is a big beast that won't be easy to take down. He's even able to survive the game's biggest board clear: Cyclonius.
Fungorth enables decks to get value by clearing multiple opposing creatures while also retaining tempo by keeping their own creatures safe. This is such a powerful effective when used properly, and it's a big part of any build that runs Nature.
If you are new to Champions, Fungorth should be high on your list of cards to pick up. It's a key piece of any midrange or control Nature deck and one of the strongest board clears in the game so far.